1 已发表文章250余篇,其中代表性论文(近5年):
1)ZJ Jiang, X Long, WQ Qi, N Jiang, YJ Liu, Y Fang, SL Liu, YC WU, XP Huang*. Connectivity in China’s marine protected areas. Science, 2024, 383(6682): 489-490.
2)SL Liu*+, SM. Trevathan-Tackett+, CJLewis, XP Huang*, Peter I. Macredie. Macroalgal blooms trigger the breakdown of seagrass blue carbon. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 14750-14760.
3)YC Wu, JL Li, X Zhang, ZJ Jiang, SL Liu, J Yang, XP Huang*. The distinct phases of fresh-seawater mixing intricately regulate the nitrogen transformation processes in a high run-off estuary: Insight from multi-isotopes and microbial function analysis. Water Research 2023, 247, 120809.
4)HX Luo, Songlin Liu*, SM Trevathan-Tackett, YZ Ren, JN Liang, JL Li, ZJ Jiang, YC Wu, XP Huang*. Nitrogen enrichment decreases seagrass contributions to refractory organic matter pools. Limnology & Oceanography, 2024, 69, 367-379.
5)JL Li, YC Wu*, ZJ Jiang, SL Liu, YZ Ren, J Yang, XY Song, XP Huang*, D He. Terrestrial and Biological Activities Shaped the Fate of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in a Subtropical River-Dominated Estuary and Adjacent Coastal Area. 2023, 128, (12), e2023JC019911.
6)SL Liu, JN Liang, ZJ Jiang, JL Li, YC Wu, Y Fang, YZ Ren, X Zhang, XP Huang*, Peter I. Macreadie. Temporal and spatial variations of air-sea CO2 fluxes and their key influence factors in seagrass meadows of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 910, 168684.
7)YZ Ren, SL Liu*, HX Luo, ZJ Jiang, JN Liang, YC Wu, XP Huang*, PI. Macreadie. Seagrass decline weakens sediment organic carbon stability. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 937, 173523.
8)L Zhang#, YC Wu#, JL Li, ZX Ni, YZ Ren, JZ Lin, XP Huang*. Hydrodynamics and dissolved organic matter components shaped the fate of dissolved heavy metals in an intensely anthropogenically disturbed estuary." Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 934: 173293.
9)SL Liu, JN Liang, ZJ Jiang, JL Li, YC Wu, Y Fang, YZ Ren, X Zhang, XP Huang*, PI. Macreadie. Temporal and spatial variations of air-sea CO2 fluxes and their key influence factors in seagrass meadows of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 910, 168684.
10)SL Liu, YQ Deng, ZJ Jiang, YC, Wu, XP Huang*, PI Macreadie. Nutrient loading diminishes the dissolved organic carbon drawdown capacity of seagrass ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 740, 140185.
11)SL Liu#, YZ Ren#, ZJ Jiang, HX Luo, X Zhang, YC Wu, JN Liang, XP Huang*, Peter I. Macreadie. Changes in surface sediment carbon compositions in response to tropical seagrass meadow restoration. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 903, 166565.
12)YC Wu, JL Li, ZJ Jiang, SL Lin, XP Huang*. Shifting of dissolved organic matter components and sources in precipitation into an intensified anthropogenic influenced embayment: Interpretation from spectral characteristics and dual stable isotopes. Atmospheric Research. 2022. 270: 106089.
13)YC Wu, XP Huang*. ZJ Jiang, SL Liu. Identifying sources of phosphorus in precipitation using phosphate oxygen isotope in a human and monsoon co-affected embayment. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 244, 118008.
14)YC Wu, ML Gan, XP Huang*, ZJ Jiang, SL Liu. Fractions and mineralization potential of the sediment organic nitrogen in Daya Bay, South China Sea: Anthropogenic influence and ecological implications. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 2020, 160, 111594.
15)YC Wu, XP Huang*, ZJ Jiang, SL Liu, LJ Cui. Composition and sources of aerosol organic matter in a highly anthropogenic influenced semi-enclosed bay: Insights from excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy and isotopic evidence. 2020, Atmospheric Research, 2020, 241, 104958.
16)Y Fang, ZJ Jiang*, CY Zhao, Li, L., CIPM Ranvilage,, SL Liu,, YC Wu, XP Huang*. Efficient heat dissipation and cyclic electron flow confer daily air exposure tolerance in the intertidal seagrass Halophila beccarii Asch. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11: 571627.
17)YC Wu, XP Huang*. ZJ Jiang, SL Liu. Identifying Sources of Phosphorus in Precipitation Using Phosphate Oxygen Isotope in a Human and Monsoon Co-Affected Embayment. Atmospheric Environment. Atmospheric Environment, 2021, 244, 118008.
18)SL Liu, HX Luo, ZJ Jiang, YZ Ren, X Zhang, YC Wu, XP Huang*, PI. Macreadie. Nutrient loading weakens seagrass blue carbon potential by stimulating seagrass detritus carbon emission. Ecological Indicators, 2023, 157, 111251.
19)L Zhang#, YC Wu#, ZX Ni, JL Li, YZ Ren, JZ Lin, XP Huang*. Saltwater intrusion regulates the distribution and partitioning of heavy metals in water in a dynamic estuary, South China. Marine Environmental Research, 2023,186: 105943.
20)L Zhang#, YC Wu#, ZJ Jiang, YZ Ren, JL Li, JZ Lin, XP Huang*. Identification of anthropogenic source of Pb and Cd within two tropical seagrass species in South China: Insight from Pb and Cd isotopes. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024, 270, 115917.
21)SL Liu*, SM. Trevathan-Tackett, CJ Lewis, QR Ollivier, ZJ Jiang, XP Huang*, Peter I. Macreadie. Beach-cast seagrass wrack contributes substantially to global greenhouse gas emissions. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 231: 329-335.
22)SL Liu, SM. Trevathan-Tackett, ZJ Jiang, LJ Cui, YC Wu, X Zhang, JL Li, HX Luo, XP Huang*. Nutrient loading decreases blue carbon by mediating fungi activities within seagrass meadows. Environmental Research, 2022, 212, 113280.
23)SL Liu, YC Wu, HX Luo, YZ Ren, ZJ Jiang, X Zhang, JN Liang, XP Huang*. Seagrass canopy structure mediates putative bacterial pathogen removal potential. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2023, 9, 1076097.
24)HX Luo, SL Liu*, YZ Ren, ZJ Jiang, YC Wu, X Zhang, JL Li, XP Huang*. Eutrophication decreases Halophila beccarii plant organic carbon contribution to sequestration potential. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, 986415.
25)SL Liu, ZJ Jiang, YC Wu, XP Huang*. Combined effects of temperature and burial on seed germination and seedling growth rates of the tropical seagrass Enhalus acoroides. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2023, 562, 151881.
26)ZJ Jiang, LJ Cui, SL Liu, CY Zhao, YC Wu, QM Chen, S Yu, JL Li, JL He, Y Fang, XP Huang*. Historical changes in seagrass beds in a rapidly urbanizing area of Guangdong Province: Implications for conservation and management. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, 22: e01035.
27)ZJ Jiang#, JL He#, Y Fang, SL Liu, YC Wu, XP Huang*. Effects of herbivore on seagrass, epiphyte and sediment carbon sequestration in tropical seagrass bed. Marine Environmental Research, 2023, 190, 106122.
28)ZJ Jiang#, LL Li#, Y Fang, SL Liu, YC Wu, XP Huang*. Eutrophication reduced the release of dissolved organic carbon from tropical seagrass roots through exudation and decomposition. Marine Environmental Research, 2022, 179: 105703.
29)ZJ Jiang, SL Liu, LJ Cui, JL He, Y Fang, LL LI, YC Wu, XP Huang*, M Kumar. Sand supplementation favors tropical seagrass Thalassia hemprichii in eutrophic bay: implications for seagrass restoration and management. BMC Plant Biology, 2022, 22: 296.
30)ZJ Jiang#, DL Huang#, Y Fang, LJ Cui, CY Zhao, SL Liu, YC Wu, QM Chen, JL He, XP Huang*. Home for marine species: seagrass leaves as vital spawning grounds and food source. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020, 7: 194.
2 出版专著
3 授权的国家发明专利
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